Monday, June 16, 2008

Wedding Of Bali

Some couple's marriage will not be acknowledged in the society if it is carried out without a traditional sacred ceremony according to the Hindu religious beliefs. In addition,if there is no traditional secreat ceremony the couple will be excommunicated from their village.
We have many kinds of bali weddings, such as a marriage form in Bali in which the boy's parents and other family members come to the house of the brides parents and respectfully ask for their daughter. This is a costly process as large ceremonies and offerings are involved, but needless to say accords significantly more respect from the brides parents as compared to the clandestine night-time elopement. from the man's point of view, however, it's more risky as the parents of his bride-to be must give their approval.
The marriage system in Bali in which the groom leaves for the brides house and thereafter belongs to the brides family. This is refered to as nyentana .This happens when the brides parents have no sons to look after their property - the man is effective assumed into the family to continue the male lineage. In this case, it is the grooms parents who must give their consent,however not all balinese wedding use this system.
Years ago in the days of Bali's kingdoms, the marriage system was very variaty. Only couples from the same caste were allowed to marry, in order to maintain the purity of the caste system. Anyone braking these marriage rules was banished from their village and often sent out into the jungle for the rest of their days. These days, however, while still very much respected, the caste system no longer holds such an iron-like grip over the Balinese and greater flexibility is permitted. But know step by step this system alrady lost,because now is modern live.

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